Monday 5 November 2012


 DJEMBE put in the sun for the animal skin to dry

A man scraping the fur on the animal skin

A carved and polished designed djembe

A man busily scooping a wood into a djembe

A man designing the outer part of a djembe

The strong wood djembe

 men playing the djembe to entertain some tourist

A curved and painted djembe

The djembe is a goblet,funnel like drum which originated from the ancient Mali empire. It emerged from the 14th century and has evolve to become a common phenomenon in the western part of Africa.The djembe drum can be use in all kind of occasions,being it marriage,festival,circumcisions,durbars and many more. The special thing about the drum is it variety of sounds that it gives.Not only does it give good sound, but also how it is being designed beautifully on the outside.

pictures:by felix azameti.

all pictures taken from the art centre of ghana